Private Lessons
Danielle has been teaching all ranges and abilities since the age of 16. Many students have gone on to play in top grade 1 and 2 bands in Northern Ireland. Lessons can be offered 1-on-1 in-person or via skype (or any other online platform).
Band/Corps Sessions
Danielle has been heavily involved in teaching her home band, Tullylagan Pipe Band (website), and is a tutor for the Ulster Scots Agency Pipe Band (website). She is also involved in bands throughout Northern Ireland, Scotland, and North America. Through band sessions, Danielle will provide a holistic ensemble review to enhance the overall band performance as well as providing support to the midsection.
Having previously been involved in band and open workshops in Northern Ireland and North America, Danielle is available for workshops involving all levels of performers.
Score Writing
Danielle offers score writing services. This is probably the most important aspect of a midsection to ensure a top-class ensemble package. With Danielle’s extensive musical background (grade 7 piano, grade 8 singing, grade 3 violin), she can also provide voicing (splits) for all sizes of corps. To complete the overall package, Danielle can also provide the visual acuity by providing a wide range of flourishes for all abilities.
If you are interested, please reach out to me for pricing by clicking here.